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Hazard, KY

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Addressing community health

Description: This project installed equipment, including workbenches, a 3-D printer, pipe benders and a drill press, to bolster a program in which volunteers refurbish used medical equipment and adapt toys to aid people with disabilities.

Fullerton, CA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Addressing community health

Description: This project hosted twice-weekly training sessions on outdoor fitness equipment at four parks frequented by older adults.

Myrtle Beach, SC

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Addressing community health

Description: Using public art, the City of Myrtle Beach set out to spread the word about safe walking and biking, as well as COVID-19 public health protocols. To do this, the City hosted a competition for local artists of all ages, inviting them to submit designs with a safety theme. They then selected 10 winning designs and added text with safety messages to them. With the state Department of Transportation's blessing, the designs became colorful, vinyl wraps for traffic utility boxes at intersections around town. Organizers say the project demonstrated the value of public art, with residents and business owners looking for ways to replicate the results in other neighborhoods.

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AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2023

Project Category: Accessory dwelling units, tiny homes and manufactured housing

Description: This project will collect and analyze ordinances regulating accessory dwelling units (ADUs) with the aim of creating a best practices toolkit and a model ordinance for communities.

Anchorage, AK

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2017

Project Category: Engaging people in transportation options/safety

Description: Alaska Trails worked with Bike Anchorage to shape sustainable transportation in Anchorage. The two organizations educated residents about the city's Non-Motorized Transportation Plan, an effort to integrate bike, pedestrian and train networks into a multi-modal system. They also informed residents about Anchorage's Complete Streets policy, which aims to remake city streets to safely accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers and bus riders of all ages and abilities. In addition, Alaska Trails supported Safe Routes to School, an initiative that promotes walking and bicycling to school. This outreach effort included social media posts, print and television news coverage and a newsletter. Alaska Trails continues to work to encourage locals to use the state's trails and each year Bike Anchorage holds a Winter Bike Fest to promote cycling in the city.


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Suite 1420
Anchorage, AK 99503
United States

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Fax: 907-341-2270
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