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Beverly, MA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Community Gardens

Description: The Blooming in Beverly project installed raised garden beds in older adults' front yards. Beverly Main Streets matched 50 older adults with families with young children, who built and delivered the beds, then planted flowers and vegetables in them. Project organizers hoped to foster intergenerational relationships, helping combat social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative allowed young children to make a new friend as they helped with weekly watering. Older adult participants reported they were grateful to be around children, since many had not seen their own grandchildren since the pandemic began. The intergenerational pairings also allowed older adults to reap the benefits of gardening while avoiding hard, physical exertion.

Woodbury, MN

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024

Project Category: Community Gardens

Description: This project will make improvements to a community garden, allowing older adults and people with disabilities to use the space. Enhancements will include ADA-compliant raised beds, signage and new gardening tools.

Anchorage, AK

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Community Gardens

Description: Many Anchorage residents who visit the city's food pantries have traditionally lacked access to fresh produce. The St. Francis House Food Pantry, run by Catholic Social Services, serves more than 10,000 people every year, distributing more than 700,000 pounds of food. To offer more fresh vegetables, CSS transformed an underused courtyard on the St. Francis House property into a community garden with 15 raised beds. Volunteers also created a mural depicting Alaska wildlife to decorate the area used for drive-through food pickup. Older adult volunteers manage the garden, which gives food pantry clients and CSS staff a space to share ideas and culture across socioeconomic, age and racial boundaries.

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High Point, NC

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024

Project Category: Bike Audits

Description: This walk audit will identify walkability upgrades in an urban neighborhood where nearly a third of the residents have no vehicle. Improved public health is a primary goal since the neighborhood experiences the county's highest rate of chronic diseases.

Forsyth County, NC

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2023

Project Category: Supporting family caregivers

Description: The project will train 100 volunteer Aging Services Ambassadors to provide information about local services for older adults.


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