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Wayne, ME
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: Wayne is a small town however, its population triples during the summer tourist season. The inflow of tourists brings with it more cars on the road, often traveling at faster speeds. To make the village's main street safer for both pedestrians and motorists, Aging at Home Wayne installed a crossing signal system. The signal system consists of a pedestrian crossing sign consisting of flashing beacons on both sides of the crosswalk. Pedestrians can now alert drivers when they're about to cross by pushing a button, which activates the lights.
Lansing, MI
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: To protect pedestrians and cyclists from passing traffic, the City of Lansing installed delineators at a busy roundabout. Additionally, the City painted a sidewalk at along the roundabout's perimeter to make it more visible to drivers. To give cyclists a place to park, they also installed bike racks nearby.
Carlsbad, NM
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: This project set out to beautify Carlsbad's downtown and make walking safter. To do this, organizers repainted crosswalks with thermoplastic materials, which are designed to withstand the sun's rays. Over time, the crossing lines painted in many intersections had faded under the sun. The new crosswalks are more visible, which improves safety by helping drivers spot pedestrians crossing the street. Project organizers hope the improved streetscape draws more people downtown, supporting the local economy.
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Augusta, GA
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018
Project Category: Park enhancements
Description: Organizers with the Augusta Recreation and Parks Department noticed people were driving their vehicles into Henry H. Brigham Park, making park users feel unsafe. This project set out to prevent this, keeping a walking track, basketball court and playground area free from cars and trucks. The Department installed bollards, as well as benches -- which served the dual purpose of giving park patrons a place to rest. Additionally, organizers planted shade trees to make the park more appealing in the summer heat. To draw visitors, the Department also worked to increase recreational programming in the park, including Tai Chi classes.
Augusta, GA
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022
Project Category: Bikeability
Description: Augusta Urban Ministries provided free bikes and equipment, along with safety training, to 25 older adults. Additionally, the organization will offer bike inspections and repairs on an ongoing basis. To build interest in cycling, they also hosted a community bike ride along the Augusta Canal Trail.
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