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Severna Park, MD

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018

Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement

Description: The Olde Severna Park Improvement Association employed high- and low-tech solutions to improve pedestrian safety in a neighborhood with a senior living facility, library, community recreation center, local gathering spaces and shopping. The organization made bright orange handheld pedestrian flags available at two crosswalks on Evergreen Road. They also added guardrails and planting strips between the sidewalk and street to help protect pedestrians. Other improvements include school crossing signage, arrows and a flashing pedestrian-activated beacon. All provide a collective alert to drivers to watch out for people traveling on foot.

DeRidder, LA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018

Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement

Description: The City of DeRidder set out to improve walkability, allowing residents to reach cultural amenities and social opportunities on foot. They worked to install accessible sidewalks, paint crosswalk to make them more visible and add wayfinding signage downtown. The city's core is home to government offices, a public library branch, a theater and art gallery and a regular farmers market, as well as a pocket park and downtown pavilion.

Gardiner, ME

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018

Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement

Description: The City of Gardiner hoped to improve accessibility by replacing crumbling sidewalks at the Gardiner Public Library -- and they wanted to ensure the community had a voice in the process. They put together a table display at the library, which featured photos of existing sidewalk issues, as well as examples of alternative sidewalk designs. They then invited library visitors to fill out a short survey with their design suggestions. Additionally, they consulted local older adult groups and held an event at the library. Based on community feedback, they installed 100 feet of new concrete sidewalk with a brick border. Organizers say community engagement resulted in larger conversations about accessibility and walkability throughout Gardiner, resulting in upgrades in a local park.

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North Hero, VT

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Public art installations

Description: This project installed a word garden, which features words etched into rocks. The decorative rocks complement raised beds in an existing garden.

Champlain, NY

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2019

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: The Village of Champlain constructed a freestanding launch for kayaks, canoes and stand-up paddle boards on the Great Chazy River, complete with a gangway to help visitors easily board their boats. A local firm designed and donated materials to add an accessible rail to the launch and the Village has explored setting up a rental system for visitors who do not own a kayak or other boat. Since installation, more individuals from the Village of Champlain and surrounding communities are able to enjoy the river.


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