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West Sacramento, CA
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2017
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: Residents of a senior apartment complex complained that the intersection connecting them to a senior apartment complex to West Sacramento's City Hall, senior center, library and transit center was difficult to cross. To help residents safely reach local amenities, the City of West Sacramento installed countdown timers, pedestrian-controlled crosswalk buttons and talking signals. Since the upgrades, the City reports no older adults have been struck by cars at the intersection. And the project's success has inspired West Sacramento officials to incorporate age-friendly elements in other infrastructure projects, including future crosswalk improvements.
Malvern, AR
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: To improve pedestrian visibility and safety, the Malvern-Hot Spring County Library created a colorful crosswalk. Project organizers report the crosswalk has visibly slowed down approaching traffic. A local group -- the Ouachita River Art Guild -- designed and painted the crosswalk with a floral design. Library also worked with local master gardeners to create a pollinator garden and added a story trail. The trail includes sign posts displaying pages from a children's storybook, which can be rotated out as needed to provide visitors with new reading material.
Payson, AZ
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2019
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: Town officials, community members and local artists collaborated to construct downtown Payson's first ever crosswalk on historic Main Street. The artistic, accessible crosswalk debuted at the Olde Main Street Days festival, where volunteers helped local artists color in the crosswalk's playful design. The final product, which features two ADA-compliant ramps on either side of the crosswalk, is a functional piece of art that has since spurred three additional outdoor art installations near Main Street.
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Birmingham, AL
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2023
Project Category: Walkability
Description: The project will increase walkability in Birmingham neighborhoods by using walk audits to evaluate them. The data will be shared with community groups so they can see the challenges that residents aged 50 face, and highlight the need for safer, more accessible streets, sidewalks, paths and trails.
Birmingham, AL
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020
Project Category: Community Gardens
Description: This project expanded community garden facilities by renovating an existing trailer to provide restrooms, an office and a classroom/meeting space. The upgrades provide indoor space where Bush Hills Connections can host gardening classes. The garden also received new pet waste stations and hand and equipment sanitation stations. The garden -- once an abandoned school property -- is located within a food desert and provides fresh produce to 200 families. Additionally, it is a popular meeting place, particularly with older adults.
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