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Orosi, CA
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2023
Project Category: Walkability
Description: This project will recruit volunteers aged 50 to conduct six walk audits along two busy traffic corridors. The organization will host two community meetings to discuss how to use the data to increase street safety.
Auburn, ME
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2023
Project Category: Walkability
Description: Walk audits will ensure intergenerational community design input for two MaineDOT-funded traffic and pedestrian safety modification projects and one in the planning phase. The sites require traffic calming to make it safer for pedestrians, including older residents
Anderson, SC
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2023
Project Category: Walkability
Description: This project will conduct three walk audits to identify potential safe walking routes, including needed sidewalk and crosswalk improvements. It will also bring together residents, business owners and local officials to discuss the improvements.
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Birmingham, AL
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020
Project Category: Community Gardens
Description: This project expanded community garden facilities by renovating an existing trailer to provide restrooms, an office and a classroom/meeting space. The upgrades provide indoor space where Bush Hills Connections can host gardening classes. The garden also received new pet waste stations and hand and equipment sanitation stations. The garden -- once an abandoned school property -- is located within a food desert and provides fresh produce to 200 families. Additionally, it is a popular meeting place, particularly with older adults.
Birmingham, AL
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021
Project Category: Bikeability
Description: For years, Birmingham's busy Titusville neighborhood did not have a strong north/south connector for pedestrians and bicyclists. To address this, the Freshwater Land Trust installed a buffered bike lane -- the Titusville Connector -- along First Street South for five blocks to create a safe and equitable alternative transportation and recreation route for residents living in and around the community. The bike lane, which is located next to an elementary school and links to the multi-modal Neighborway path, allows residents to reach local amenities and the local bus rapid transit route. The Connector's brightly painted lane runs between the sidewalk and parallel parking spaces, making it the first, separated in-street trail in Birmingham.
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