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Charleston, SC
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: The West Ashley Greenway in Charleston is an eight-mile bicycle and pedestrian trail, which is popular with walkers, runners and cyclists. However, the greenway crosses several busy streets, leading to accidents between vehicles and pedestrians. To fix this, a team of volunteers created three artistic crosswalk murals, designed to calm traffic. They also installed signage which reminds drivers to look out for people crossing the roadway. Community members need to be able to get access to places without driving, and to feel safe when they're walking and biking, project director Katie Zimmerman said. Doing this even in small ways will get more people active and out of their cars.
Montgomery, AL
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: Drivers in Montgomery can't help but slow down when they approach the crosswalk on busy Mulberry Street. The crossing features solar-powered, pedestrian-activated crossing signals as well as a pavement mural -- all of which calm passing traffic and improve pedestrian safety. After calling on residents to submit their ideas for the mural, the City's traffic engineers painted the crossing to look like a troll bridge. Connecting a residential neighborhood to the local elementary school, the crosswalk depicts a wooden bridge with a mom, dad and baby troll hanging on its sides. The bridge allows students to safety get to school and also enables pedestrians to traverse Mulberry Street's many small businesses. We had about 30 designs submitted for the crosswalk and all of them were delightful, but the Hardy design made the whole selection committee smile, Lynda Wool, a senior planner for the city of Montgomery, told Design Alabama.
Sioux Falls, SD
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2019
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: This demonstration project had the goal of calming traffic and improving the streetscape for pedestrians. Downtown Sioux Falls used paint to create temporary bumpouts -- or curb extensions -- at a local crosswalk, which shortened the distance pedestrians spent in the street. They also used large planters to create a physical barrier between pedestrians and cars and added reflective delineators to make crosswalks more visible at night. A camera installed onsite helped capture data about traffic and pedestrian behavior during the pop-up project. The result: Drivers actually slowed down said Joe Batcheller, the organization's president. The project helped reduce speeds by 20 percent on average. Project organizers say the demonstration sparked a cultural shift around pedestrian safety. Since the pop-up, the City has painted curb bumpouts in other locations.
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Chicago, IL
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024
Project Category: Bike Audits
Description: This project will conduct walk audits to identify potential visibility, sidewalk and crosswalk improvements. The organization will recruit older volunteers to participate and meet with residents, business owners and local officials to discuss their findings.
Chicago, IL
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018
Project Category: Public space activation
Description: To promote walkability, economic development and better quality of life for residents, the Chicago Department of Transportation created a replicable prototype for a People Spot. Consisting of a wooden platform, the People Spots transform on-street parking spaces into outdoor patios. To help neighborhood groups set up their own People Spots, the City published construction plans and an assembly manual for the parklets online. Part of the City's Livable Streets Program, organizers say the temporary infrastructure helps neighborhoods overcome economic hardship by encouraging residents to walk and frequent local businesses. The City installed its first People Spot in the South Side Chatham neighborhood in 2018. That iteration measured about six feet wide by 20 feet long, but the platforms can be as long as 80 feet.
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