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Natick, MA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2017

Project Category: Trails

Description: This community engagement initiative sought to identify solutions to allow older adults and people with mobility issues to use off-road trails in Natick. Project organizers met with town staff ahead of two focus groups with older adults, who shared their experiences with local trails. Additionally, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council created an online survey to collect more feedback. Older adults said their main concerns were access to bathrooms, personal safety, clear signage, availability of parking near trailheads, even walking surfaces and benches to sit on. MAPC then held a placemaking event at the Natick Community-Senior Center. Attendees could walk along a prototype trail with photos of planned upgrades and hear from MAPC staff. Participants also had a chance to share their personal stories about the things they've discovered while hiking. The result was a list of practical, low-cost action items the town can use to improve Natick's pathways.

Belleville, NJ

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Trails

Description: This project installed a new walking trail to connect two streets previously divided by an oddly placed fence. Along the path, the town planted one garden honoring COVID-19 victims and another containing produce the public is welcome to pick.

Kansas City, MO

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Trails

Description: The WeAreMarlborough project installed 16 bike racks and two benches along the Greealk, a new two-mile walking path that winds through Marlborough. The pathway connects residents to three new city parks, as well as rapid transit lines. To meet residents' needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Marlborough Community Coalition also erected temporary two Little Free Food Panty locations along the Greealk, one in a local community garden and the other in a pocket park. In addition, the organization hosted activities, including safe biking workshops, a community Halloween celebration. Project organizers say neighbors requested improved greenspace for years -- new amenities along the Greealk represent steps toward a more healthy, active community.

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Boise, ID

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: Through seven pop-up placemaking events, this project enlivened the downtown area with outdoor games and activities.

Boise, ID

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2019

Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement

Description: The Idaho Bike Walk Alliance wanted to make walking and biking safer for elementary school students. To do this, they deployed lightweight traffic items around N. 8th Street to reduce driving speeds. The traffic calming equipment included cones -- used to shorten the distance needed to cross the street -- as well as reusable neon signs and plenty of chalk. The Alliance papered the neighborhood with flyers, created a social media campaigns on the project, and met with stakeholders to gain buy-in. They then demonstrated the traffic calming tools over five days in November. An online survey showed community interest in making such features permanent. As a driver, the curb extensions provided greater visibility of pedestrians, one respondent said.


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