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Thurston County, WA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Community Gardens

Description: Garden Raised Bounty installed 21 home gardens throughout Thurston County, giving the recipients access to healthy food and community connections. The organization adapted half of the gardens to meet accessibility needs and customized all of the gardens for specific recipients. Garden Raised Bounty also provided growing guides, online tutorials, seeds or starter plants, recipes and one-on-one support to ensure each garden's success. Its goal was to increase food security and provide for the mental and physical well-being of its recipients, many of whom reported the project had a positive impact on their communities and lives.

Lawton, OK

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024

Project Category: Community Gardens

Description: This project will create a community garden where Comanche elders can grow vegetables and flowers. Participating gardeners will plan, tend and harvest their plots and distribute their produce to the community.

Winnemucca, NV

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Community Gardens

Description: A large community garden in one of Winnemucca's parks had fallen into disrepair. But organizers with Age- and Dementia-Friendly Winnemucca saw the space's potential and set out to revitalize the community space. Organizers wanted to make the garden accessible, allowing people with mobility issues to garden while seated, or simply observe others while they work. To achieve this, they installed hip-height raised garden beds onsite. Additionally, they laid down pavers to create smooth surface suitable for people using wheelchairs and walkers. New benches completed the transformation, giving visitors a comfortable space to rest. To ensure the garden remains well cared for, the age-friendly initiative also purchased a weedwhacker for the site, along with a drip irrigation system. Organizers say the project's success inspired local leaders to consider other ways to improve the park.

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San Leandro, CA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Developing projects based on residents' priorities

Description: The City of San Leandro hosted a design charrette to engage residents -- including students and older adults -- in the planning process for a school gardening space. Historically, teachers and students interested in improving the space had difficulty connecting with community groups. The design workshop addressed this, bringing together local schools with Friends of the San Leandro Cree, StopWaste, and the Sogorea Te Land Trust, a local indigenous group. Participants brainstormed options to create an ADA-compliant outdoor education lab where residents can learn about gardening and the San Leandro Creek ecosystem. Ultimately, project organizers adapted curriculum developed during the charrette in the design for a second garden site at San Leandro High School. Organizers say the gardening sites will provide hands-on experiences for students and community members to engage in watershed ecology, gardening and indigenous history.

San Francisco, CA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018

Project Category: Community Gardens

Description: When the Florence Fang Asian Community Garden opened in the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood in 2014, it focused on serving Asian immigrant elders and filled a need for green space and fresh food. This project expanded the garden, adding 3,000 square feet of gardening space and making it the second largest urban farm in San Francisco. The additional space allowed gardeners to try new techniques -- such as row planting -- that increased the garden's yields. Additionally, organizers upgraded the garden's compost system and set up beehives to help with pollinating crops. The larger harvest allowed garden organizers to distribute four tons of produce annually to local families in needs, including culturally relevant foods such as bok choy and Chinese chives.


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