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Hood River, OR
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: To demonstrate ways to make streets safer for pedestrians and cyclists, the City of Hood River created Streets Alive. They held the pop-up event on two busy streets, adding enhanced crosswalk markings, curb bump-outs and a protected bike lane, which kept cyclists separated from cars during the week of the event. More than 1,000 people gathered to walk, bike and engage with their neighbors. The event featured activities such as yoga and dance classes.Following the tactical urbanism project, the City worked to implement many traffic calming and safety concepts permanently.
Denver, CO
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: Denver's Federal Boulevard is one of the city's deadliest routes, with a traffic fatality rate 20 times higher than the average for urban streets in Colorado. To demonstrate simple improvements to make walking and biking safer, WalkDenver held a daylong tactical urbanism event near Regis University. Using pastel-painted tires, traffic cones, flowerpots and hay bales, project organizers set up temporary bike lanes, curb extensions and traffic islands along Federal Boulevard. To determine the efficacy of the street calming interventions, they collected data on vehicle speeds and surveyed pedestrians during the pop-up. Ahead of the event, project organizers hosted a walk with local leaders, allowing them to experience the challenge of walking along Federal Boulevard. The nearby neighborhoods are home to college students who regularly walk and bike, as well as a high concentration of older adults and residents with disabilities.
Montgomery, AL
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021
Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement
Description: Montgomery's Old Cloverdale neighborhood is a historic area with beautiful, wide streets and compelling architecture but limited sidewalks and crosswalks. To address this, River Region Trains Inc. engaged in a two-week pop-up placemaking event. Using cones and paint, they set up temporary, protected pedestrian lanes on two major connector streets in the neighborhood. Along with two existing lengths of sidewalk, the lanes formed a 2-mile loop, wide enough to accommodate multiple walkers, bikers, runners and people riding scooters. Organizers say the project demonstrated the power of creating walkable streets and encouraged residents to get involved in how their streets are designed and built.
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Charleston, SC
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2019
Project Category: Public space activation
Description: The American College of the Building Arts installed benches and a new pergola to create a multigenerational gathering space at the Community's Hope Impact Center, a local community center. The College saw the installation process as an opportunity for education, holding workshops on masonry where volunteers helped lay bricks for the space's walkway. With a goal of preserving, enriching and educating about architectural heritage, the organization trains artisans in traditional building crafts, such as carpentry and forging architectural iron. It was founded in the wake of Hurricane Hugo in 1989, which damaged or destroyed much of coastal South Carolina's historic architecture.
Charleston, SC
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021
Project Category: Park enhancements
Description: Hampstead Square is Charleston's oldest public green space. But the square had fallen into disrepair after years of neglect, made worse by flooding. Keep Charleston Beautiful partnered with the City of Charleston to launch a multi-year park revitalization, part of broader work to bring greenspace to the community. They installed an irrigation system and updated landscaping. To give nearby residents free internet access, they also set up a Wi-Fi hotspot. Volunteers -- including community members and local businessowners -- helped complete the work and chip in additional funding. Inspired by the progress, organizers later added a new historic marker and statue of famed Charleston blacksmith Philip Simmons, which inform visitors about the park's legacy. Since the improvements, the space has hosted health and fitness activities, youth programs and free outdoor movie screenings.
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