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Camden, AL

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2019

Project Category: Public art installations

Description: To replace dilapidated seating options in Camden's historic downtown, Black Belt Treasures Cultural Arts Center organized the Sharing Our Stories One Bench at a Time project. The effort involved purchasing, decorating and installing 11 mosaic benches around the Wilcox County Courthouse. Led by local mosaic artist Linda Munoz, residents aged 4 to 80 shared their stories, came up with themes and designs and cut and laid colorful glass onto concrete seats. The benches -- which feature imagery related to life in Camden -- represent more than just a beautiful place to sit. Project organizers say the new benches brought the community together and strengthened Camden's sense of civic pride.

Rock Springs, WY

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018

Project Category: Public art installations

Description: Part of a multiyear effort to bring public art to downtown Rock Springs, this project added a new mural paying tribute to the area's mining and railroad history. The artwork then spurred redevelopment of an adjacent vacant lot, which is now a pocket park with seating, shade structures and landscaping. To help visitors learn about local history, Rock Springs Renewal Fund added interpretive signage for the mural, and for others installed nearby. Ultimately, the project's success inspired the City of Rock Springs to commission three additional murals for the pocket park. Today, the City hosts mural walks through the central business district.

Palmer, AK

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Public art installations

Description: This project set out to create an arts and cultural trail in Palmer by installing four permanent pieces of art throughout town. To oversee the project -- including artist and site selection and community engagement -- the United Way of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough established a volunteer advisory board. They then selected four local artists. Once completed, the art will be displayed near affordable housing complexes, local business, trails and parks and at Palmer's public library. Each piece pays tribute to local history and identity, with one sculpture depicting the Matanuska Maid and a series of ceramic works evoking the flow and shape of the Alaska landscape.

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Philadelphia, PA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Public spaces improvements to increase high-speed internet availability

Description: To help older adults access the internet, the Center in the Park created a cafe onsite, which offers free Wi-Fi access to visitors.

Philadelphia, PA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Trails

Description: This project installed informational kiosks promoting Cobb Creek Trail. Volunteers installed the kiosks along the trail. Additionally, the Clean Air Council stated two entertainment programs at the Environment Center geared toward older adults.


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