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Jersey City, NJ

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2017

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: To give residents at Marion Gardens the opportunity to gather, project organizers beautified a concrete area onsite. Residents of the public housing complex came together to plant trees, shrubs and flowers in an area of the property prone to flooding, with the new foliage acting as green infrastructure to absorb rainwater. To ensure care of the new trees long-term, project organizers also created a tree maintenance manual with pruning techniques and other tips. Since the planting, organizers have worked to plan a mural at the site.

Warrensburg, MO

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: To activate an alley in Warrensburg's downtown, this project installed seating, lighting, planters and public art in the space. Local artists created a mural and painted an outdoor staircase that connects the alley to a nearby parking lot. Additionally, the local United Way worked with local elementary students to create decorative ceramic tiles, which they attached to the alley's planters. Project organizers hope to continue partnering with local schools to create art for the community. They also plan to hold events in the alley.

Derry, NH

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2019

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: To encourage community bonding and intergenerational connections, the Marion Gerrish Community Center created an outdoor space for people to play games. The Center chose large games -- including cornhole, bocce, Jenga, Connect Four, Yardzee, Farkel, chess and checkers -- that would be easy to play and visible from the street. They made the area designated for the games level, ensuring it would be accessible and safe. The Center offers weekly times for older adults to play cornhole and bocce. Community members can sign out the games for use on the property and the Center also loans them out for local events, including Derry Fest, the Derry Farmers Market and the local police departments' National Nite Out.

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Seattle, WA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024

Project Category: Digital navigation skills

Description: This project will provide digital literacy classes to Latino immigrant workers. This will give lower-income residents access to computers and improve their technology skills, allowing them to access job opportunities.

Seattle, WA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2017

Project Category: Engaging residents alongside thought leaders in problem solving

Description: Seattle's city government invited technology specialists, designers and older adults to take part in a weekend hackathon. Participants brainstormed ways to use public data and technology to understand the built environment and improve the lives of Seattle's older adult residents. The City offered cash prizes to teams with winning ideas. Team Pandora for Streets took home the top prize for their map that used unusual crowdsourced data to evaluate the urban environment, such as street-level smells and noises. Other winning projects used crowdsourced bus stop data to evaluate accessibility and visualized needed repairs to Seattle's sidewalk network. Part of the Age-Friendly Seattle initiative, the civic hackathon reflects Seattle's commitment to becoming a livable community for people of all ages and abilities, Candice Faber, the city's civic technology advocate, said.


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