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West St. Paul, MN
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024
Project Category: Park enhancements
Description: The city will host a series of intergenerational events meant to revive an underused public park. The events, including a movie in the park, community meal and crosswalk painting, will inform future park system improvements.
Gautier, MS
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024
Project Category: Park enhancements
Description: This project will install outdoor fitness stations along a walking track popular with older adults. Several stations will feature ADA-complaint designs.
Foley, AL
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021
Project Category: Park enhancements
Description: Organizers thought Foley Park -- a small green space next to a middle school -- had untapped potential. Foley Main Street and the City of Foley transformed the park into a local music destination. Redubbing the space Freenotes Harmony Park, Foley Main Street installed a collection of outdoor musical instruments, including contrabass chimes, an orange swirl, a yellow imbraimba and rainbow drums. The instruments are designed to be easy to play -- similar to a xylophone, the imbarimba has 22 fiberglass keys of varying lengths, which sit atop metal chimes. Visitors can play the instrument by striking the keys with the attached mallets. The instruments weren't the only upgrade to the pocket park. The City also assed an amphitheater with lights, power outlets and an ADA-compliant stage. Since their installation, the instruments have created an outdoor classroom for middle school students on weekdays, as well as a gathering place for residents of all ages on evenings and weekends.
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La Union, NM
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022
Project Category: Public or private transit access
Description: This project built a covered bus stop at a central location in the town. It also installed a gazebo with benches outside the community center.
El Paso, TX
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020
Project Category: Public place improvements to withstand extreme weather events
Description: As part of its Million Trees El Paso initiative, Eco El Paso planted 88 native and drought-tolerant trees along the Paso Del Norte Trail. In addition, the organization improved wayfinding along the trail, which passes through the city's Thomas Many neighborhood. The City lent a hand in the effort, removing dead trees and making needed irrigation repairs. El Paso has less tree canopy cover than many other communities, with an average of fewer than three trees per acre. Project organizers hope the new trees help cool the neighborhood and combat the urban heat island effect, making walking more comfortable for residents. The City later cited the success of the project in its efforts to secure bond funding for future tree planting efforts.
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