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Stanton, IA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Trails

Description: The Greenbelt walking trail in Stanton is a source community pride, with residents of all ages using the trail. However, the text on the trail's original mile marker signposts have worn off due to age and weather. The Stanton Community Foundation installed new metal mile markers shaped like Dala horses -- small, red wooden horses -- which pay homage to the town's Swedish heritage. The mile markers allow residents to track their progress as they navigate the Greenbelt.

Cheyenne, WY

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Trails

Description: To give pedestrians and cyclists a space to rest and socialize, this project added five ADA-compliant benches along the Greater Cheyenne Greenway.

Fryeburg, ME

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Trails

Description: Fryeburg's Age-Friendly Community Taskforce created a recreational trail in the Fryeburg Town Forest. Designed to be easily walkable by older adults and those with mobility challenges, the gently sloping, one-mile loop trail features a pedestrian bridge and benches. Over several October days, volunteers cleared a corridor for the Town Forest Trail, cutting and removing brush and small trees and removing boulders to create an opening for the trailhead. Future improvements include two additional bridges, benches and kiosk signage providing details about the trail.

Nearby AARP Community Challenge Projects

Colorado Springs, CO

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018

Project Category: Trails

Description: A walk audit showed people felt unsafe using Colorado Springs' Sand Creek Trail, because the route was dark and uncared for. This project set out to beautify the trail and make the walking route feel safer. Located in the Southeast neighborhood, the route connects the local YMCA, library, school and important services. Improvements included adding lighting beneath a bridge on the route, as well as adding accessible benches. The organization also planned two community cleanup events, as well as a 5k run and a walking group for older adults. Organizers hope the trail upgrades increase walkability, as well as foster a sense of community pride.

Pueblo, CO

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Lifelong housing and accessibility

Description: For years, Posada worked with unhoused residents of Pueblo to help them find temporary and permanent housing. Once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, however, those served by Posada were even more in crisis, so the organization shifted its resources to emergency needs such as food aid and rent and utility assistance. Posada also began renovating a former motel into single-room-occupancy units for older adults experiencing homelessness. When completed, the former Sunset Motel will include 17 units, and its residents will have convenient access to case managers and supportive services, including health care.


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