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Hauula, HI

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: This project installed walking trails, ADA-compliant benches and a mural on a five-acre site slated to become a community recreation area.

York, PA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: This project will install outdoor musical instruments in a play zone, creating an accessible space for people of all ages and abilities. The musical instruments will offer a meaningful way for adults to interact with children.

Highmore, SD

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2023

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: The project will rebuild a community swimming pool and make it more accessible for older adults and people with disabilities by adding features such as zero-depth entry, an ADA-compliant lift and in-pool seating.

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Pensacola, FL

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement

Description: The Gonzalez Street Shareway in Pensacola is a wide, busy road dominated by cars. To demonstrate how the thoroughfare could accommodate both vehicles and pedestrians, Bike Pensacola conducted a one-day demonstration of traffic calming features. Bike Pensacola fabricated traffic circles and temporarily narrowed the roadway from four to two lanes. To test out the traffic control measures, about 300 bicyclists participated in a slow ride along the Shareway, cycling between three Pensacola parks. Additionally, Bike Pensacola partnered with local businesses and organizations to bring a local art market to the shareway including a sidewalk book sale, food trucks, self-guided walking tours and a scavenger hunt.

Pensacola, FL

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Accessory dwelling units, tiny homes and manufactured housing

Description: This project built twotiny houses. One housed a low-income older adult, the other became a model home to educate the community about the ways tiny houses can help alleviate the city's severe housing shortage.


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