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Orange County, NC

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2017

Project Category: Public or private transit access

Description: Many bus stops in rural Orange County lacked shelters or a place to sit. To address this, the Orange County Department on Aging worked with the county's public transportation department to install new seats at 15 bus stops. Designed to maximize space at stops without enough room for a transit shelter, the seats accommodate two people and are attached to the bus stop sign. Project organizers say the seats increase accessibility in rural parts of the county, where no bus stop sign was in place. Following installation of the seats, the public transportation department committed to building permanent bus shelters in high-traffic, rural areas.

Bismarck, ND

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Public or private transit access

Description: To build people's knowledge about public transportation, this project created a series of educational videos. The videos teach residents how to use the transit system -- including local fixed-route bus service. Organizers then used the video content in a series of transit workshops.

Cedar City, UT

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Public or private transit access

Description: To help people navigate downtown Cedar City without a car, this project installed bus shelters, benches and bike racks. Additionally, project organizers added picnic tables at the site of a local farmers market.

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Berlin, WI

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2019

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: The City of Berlin has eight parks, but only two were well visited. Berlin's Parks and Recreation Department hoped to draw residents to check out the lesser-known locations. To do this, the department held a bench-painting contest. Local Boy Scouts and high school students built six wooden benches and Parks and Recreation Department recruited local artists to paint them. After the benches were completed, the Parks Department placed one in each park. The department then got residents involved, challenging them to hunt for each bench's location and vote on the designs they liked best. After the scavenger hunt, the benches went up for auction. The hunt got residents explore local parks, including ones they might not have previously visited. Inspired by the success of this project, the Parks Department plans to replicate the competition in the future.


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