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Greensboro, VT

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: To increase enjoyment of outdoor public places, this project built a nature trail and added a deck to the town's pond.

Randolph, VT

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: To give residents the opportunity to express themselves and connect with each other, Sunrise Rotary Club installed outdoor musical instruments near the town's recreational field. The new Harmony Park features chimes, drums, a xylophone, Imbarimbas and a harp. The Club also added benches to the space, along with a welcome sign informing visitors about the instruments.

East Providence, RI

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: The City of East Providence set out to support intergenerational activities in a dense residential neighborhood. To achieve this, they made improvements to a park frequented by residents of all ages. The City installed benches, ADA-accessible picnic tables and game tables in Central Avenue Park. The improvements allow grandparents to sit and watch their grandchildren play in the park's splash pad, older adults to engage youth in a game of checkers or chess and families to enjoy a picnic together. Organizers say the project helped East Providence realize the final elements of their recently completed parks master plan.

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Edgemont, SD

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Expansion and enhancement of transportation options

Description: For residents of Edgemont, the nearest health care providers are located at least 25 miles away. Furthermore, the small, rural town didn't have any public transit service. To help residents get around, the West River Transit Authority piloted a new transportation system. The Authority hired a part-time driver to provide on-demand rides three days a week. Geared toward residents who don't drive, the service also transports residents to pharmacies, grocery stores and other essential amenities. To help inform the community about the new service, the Authority advertised through mailings and local ads. Project organizers hope to continue to expand on-demand transportation offerings in the future.

Custer, SD

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Community Gardens

Description: After flooding destroyed the Custer Community Garden, the Custer Area Economic Development set out to relocate the beloved amenity to a new site. The organization created a new garden at a local high school, installing 16 raised beds, including wheelchair accessible and raised options to accommodate gardeners of all ability levels. Workers laid compost and mulch at the site and installed fencing to keep out foraging wildlife. The school's lunch program now has access to excess produce grown in the garden, which also provides educational programming to the community. Project organizers report that since the improvements, leaders from neighboring communities have reached out for advice for creating their own gardens.


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