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Omaha, NE

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: As part of efforts to revitalize a vacant building in Upland Park, this project made accessibility upgrades nearby. Project organizers installed a new walking path and accessible seating onsite. To beautify the space, volunteers worked to create public art. Additionally, this project replaced temporary garden beds with permanent raised-bed planters, which allow people to garden without having to squat down -- making the activity possible for people of all ages and abilities.

Charleston, SC

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: Hampstead Square is Charleston's oldest public green space. But the square had fallen into disrepair after years of neglect, made worse by flooding. Keep Charleston Beautiful partnered with the City of Charleston to launch a multi-year park revitalization, part of broader work to bring greenspace to the community. They installed an irrigation system and updated landscaping. To give nearby residents free internet access, they also set up a Wi-Fi hotspot. Volunteers -- including community members and local businessowners -- helped complete the work and chip in additional funding. Inspired by the progress, organizers later added a new historic marker and statue of famed Charleston blacksmith Philip Simmons, which inform visitors about the park's legacy. Since the improvements, the space has hosted health and fitness activities, youth programs and free outdoor movie screenings.

Charleston, WV

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2019

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: To make its underused East End Community Park more inviting, the City of Charleston added a splash pad, playground equipment and new greenery. First, the City held a community clean up day, where volunteers helped prepare the site. Then the City installed new equipment, including a swing set, two ski walker gliders and a water umbrella for the splash pad. The City also planted trees to shade the park's walking path and improve its overall appearance. In addition, they added lighting to improve park safety by illuminating the walking path, the community garden and other areas. Since these changes, project organizers report more families are using the park and neighbors are chipping in to keep the area free of litter.

Nearby AARP Community Challenge Projects

Aguila, AZ

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: The Aguila Community Center in rural Aguila is a community hub for residents of all ages, despite its aging infrastructure, leaky roof and signs of wear and tear. To make the facility useable during the monsoon season, leaders at the center fixed the concrete floor with laminate plank flooring and weatherized the roof to make the facility fully functional. Since the improvements, the Aguila Community Center has hosted COVID-19 vaccine clinics, fitness classes, quincenearas and other community celebrations and events during all months of the year.

Camp Verde, AZ

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: This project aimed to make Heritage Pool more inviting and accessible to people of all ages and abilities. The City of Campe Verde added hard-surface area onsite, with shade structures to protect visitors from the sun's rays. They also picnic tables and launched recreational programming onsite, including exercise and Aqua Zumba classes.


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