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Augusta, GA
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018
Project Category: Park enhancements
Description: Organizers with the Augusta Recreation and Parks Department noticed people were driving their vehicles into Henry H. Brigham Park, making park users feel unsafe. This project set out to prevent this, keeping a walking track, basketball court and playground area free from cars and trucks. The Department installed bollards, as well as benches -- which served the dual purpose of giving park patrons a place to rest. Additionally, organizers planted shade trees to make the park more appealing in the summer heat. To draw visitors, the Department also worked to increase recreational programming in the park, including Tai Chi classes.
Searchlight Township, NV
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021
Project Category: Park enhancements
Description: As part of long-term efforts to improve Rex Bell, Jr. Trails Park, the Searchlight Betterment Organization installed a bocce ball court onsite. The courts are open to the public four days a week and participants can check out game sets to use for free. Project organizers say the courts have helped combat social isolation, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since construction completed, the site has offered lessons on the rules of bocce ball, and volunteers have stepped in to coordinate local player groups for adults and children
Devils Lake, ND
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022
Project Category: Park enhancements
Description: This project expanded an existing pond in Ruger Park and stocked it with fish. It also added a pier, parking, a sidewalk, benches and landscaping.
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Springfield, OH
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020
Project Category: Public space activation
Description: As part of wider corridor improvement efforts, the 1159 Southwest Community Development Corporation activated three vacant lots, transforming them into a public gathering space dubbed Grand Harmony. Volunteers installed porch swings, picnic tables, benches and a new grill at the site. They also added LED lighting and a storage shed. Project organizers say Grand Harmony's success has opened doors for other revitalization efforts. In December 2020, a local foundation provided 1159 South Community Development Corporation with funding to activate a nearby vacant lot into an inspiration garden.
Washington, DC
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020
Project Category: Capturing data and feedback from residents
Description: The 1882 Foundation hoped to strengthen community identity and increase civic engagement in DC's Chinatown, particularly among older adults. The Foundation designed a digital map featuring stories about places with historical and cultural significance to the neighborhood's longtime community members, including past and present residents and leaders. The Foundation distributed storytelling kits, which included tools to help participants tell their stories by writing and recording audio. Project organizers provided storytellers with bilingual instructions in English and Mandarin. To promote the initiative, the Foundation held a Mid-Autumn Festival event at the Wah Luck House, an affordable housing complex. Organizers say the digital platform will help inform urban planning policies by ensuring community priorities are included in redevelopment proposals for Chinatown.
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