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Evanston, WY

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: To bring vibrancy to Evanston's downtown, Evanston's Main Street program installed a unique, new seating option. This project added swing tables, which consist of a picnic table with bench seating on one side and swings on the other. Each table also accommodates people who use wheelchairs, who can roll up to either end of the table. To make the seating more comfortable, Main Street equipped each table with shade sails and solar lights. Additionally, the program engaged volunteers to paint pavement murals in the central business district's street crossings. The public art serves a dual purpose -- the murals add color to the streetscape and make crosswalks more noticeable to passing drivers. This calms traffic and increases pedestrian safety.

Lynchburg, VA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: To organizers with the Downtown Lynchburg Association, an underused, dead-end street had potential to draw visitors downtown. The Association transformed the space into Art Alley -- a vibrant, outdoor art gallery. To activate the space, volunteers covered the pavement in turquoise, orange, pink and green paint. They also set up string lights overhead to provide illumination. Finally, they created the Spark Joy Gallery by installing panels that display digital artworks. Project organizers say the placemaking effort has since inspired nearby property owners to spruce up their building facades, and the Art Alley has become a must-see for tourists passing through town.

Rock Hill, SC

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2023

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: This project will create a pollinator garden at the Northside Recreation Center, which will provide residents with an opportunity to learn about the benefits of pollinator gardens and how to care for them.

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Hyde Park, VT

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2017

Project Category: Accessibility of amenities

Description: Elsa French Park is a new pocket park featuring lilacs bushes and gardens planted on the grounds of an historic home. This project ensured the accessibility of the space for residents and visitors of all ages and ability levels. The Village of Hyde Park installed two ADA-accessible picnic tables, along with an accessible pathway with a ramp and detectible edges for visitors with disabilities. Project organizers say the improvements helped lay the groundwork for ongoing development of the site, which they envision as an important gathering space in a community that lacks a central town square. In addition, the Village has repurposed the house on the property to house municipal offices and a community meeting space.

Greensboro, VT

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: To increase enjoyment of outdoor public places, this project built a nature trail and added a deck to the town's pond.


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