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Hettinger, ND

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: To expand recreation options for residents of Hettinger, this project activated Centennial Square, an underused space in the city's downtown. The Hettinger Area Chamber of Commerce added outdoor games to the square, including Jenga and chess. Organizers say they hope the games plaza draw people downtown and provide opportunities for intergenerational activities. The biggest highlight of this project was the way that a few games brought together a diverse spread of community members of different ages, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jasmin Fosheim said.

St. Paul, MN

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: This project installed a garden with native and pollinator-friendly plants at a local elementary school. Residents -- including a neighborhood Boy Scout troop -- pitched in to prepare the site and plant foliage. Community members have continued to tend to the garden since its installation. Spurred by the success of the garden, school staff area considering planting more native gardens in the future -- including rain gardens to absorb stormwater runoff.

Warrensburg, MO

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Public space activation

Description: To activate an alley in Warrensburg's downtown, this project installed seating, lighting, planters and public art in the space. Local artists created a mural and painted an outdoor staircase that connects the alley to a nearby parking lot. Additionally, the local United Way worked with local elementary students to create decorative ceramic tiles, which they attached to the alley's planters. Project organizers hope to continue partnering with local schools to create art for the community. They also plan to hold events in the alley.

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Surry, ME

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement

Description: This project installed signage along Route 172 to slow speeding traffic by drivers who are often unaware of the small town's presence as they shuttle between Ellsworth and Blue Hill.

Blue Hill, ME

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2018

Project Category: Trails

Description: This project set out to create age-friendly trails in Blue Hill. Efforts included constructing an accessible walking path and installing benches along it to give older adults and people with mobility challenges a place to rest. Part of the town's larger Connectivity Plan, organizers hoped the trails would encourage intergenerational activities and give residents opportunities for physical activity. The route runs through Blue Hill's downtown, allowing people to walk to local amenities and shops.


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