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Hidden Springs, ID

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Trails

Description: Hidden Springs has an extensive network of scenic trails along Dry Creek. But when the ground is wet during winter and spring, the trails become muddy, leading to erosion and sustainability issues. To allow people to use the trails year-round, the Hidden Springs Town Association created an all-weather path. Volunteers laid road mix along four miles of existing trails to connect main roads to the riparian areas, a community farm and agricultural fields. Today, the system welcomes hikers of all ages in all four seasons.

Webb City, MO

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Trails

Description: This project built a cement ramp leading to the Frisco Trail, along with infrastructure to help people of all abilities enjoy the trail and cross the adjacent road.

Natick, MA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2017

Project Category: Trails

Description: This community engagement initiative sought to identify solutions to allow older adults and people with mobility issues to use off-road trails in Natick. Project organizers met with town staff ahead of two focus groups with older adults, who shared their experiences with local trails. Additionally, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council created an online survey to collect more feedback. Older adults said their main concerns were access to bathrooms, personal safety, clear signage, availability of parking near trailheads, even walking surfaces and benches to sit on. MAPC then held a placemaking event at the Natick Community-Senior Center. Attendees could walk along a prototype trail with photos of planned upgrades and hear from MAPC staff. Participants also had a chance to share their personal stories about the things they've discovered while hiking. The result was a list of practical, low-cost action items the town can use to improve Natick's pathways.

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Salt Lake City, UT

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Bringing resident insight and volunteer power into local government

Description: This project established a transportation committee within the Glendale Neighborhood Council to plot a course on issues related to transportation in Glendale and more.

Salt Lake City, UT

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024

Project Category: Engaging people in transportation options/safety

Description: Walk audits will invite older adults to provide their feedback to expand accessible active transportation options. The organization will also create promotional materials encouraging residents to use of public transportation.


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