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Detroit, MI

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Innovative home maintenance, repair and support services

Description: This project provided free home-repair services to older adults identified by local organizations and a senior center.

Grand Forks, ND

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2023

Project Category: Innovative home maintenance, repair and support services

Description: This project will match students with up with older residents. The students will help with chores such as yard cleanup, window washing and simple home repairs, while the older residents will mentor older students and advise them about paying bills, navigating relationships with landlords and other practical life skills.

Pinellas County, FL

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Innovative home maintenance, repair and support services

Description: The Florida Dream Center helps older adults in Pinellas County age in place, relying on federal grants and other funding sources to assist with home repairs and modifications. However, this funding is typically limited, meaning the nonprofit can only improve homes belonging to residents over the age of 62. To serve a larger subset of older adults, the Florida Dream Center created a program for residents between the ages of 50 to 61. Modifications include installing grab bars and handrails, replacing flooring, fixing holes in exterior walls, painting, rewiring exterior lights and mitigating rodents and other pests. By tapping a wide volunteer network to help make repairs, the Center has since expanded the services it offers to older homeowners.

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Ferguson, MO

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024

Project Category: HomeFit Modifications

Description: This project will offer training on home modifications to enable older residents to live longer in their homes. Courses will focus on energy efficiency, renovation and remodeling resources and inexpensive projects.

Jerseyville, IL

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024

Project Category: Bike Audits

Description: Bike audits will identify possible locations for bike lanes, with the goal of connecting the north side of town to two grocery stores on the south side. The organization will recruit older adults will be recruited to participate in the audits.


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