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Kansas City, MO

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Trails

Description: The WeAreMarlborough project installed 16 bike racks and two benches along the Greealk, a new two-mile walking path that winds through Marlborough. The pathway connects residents to three new city parks, as well as rapid transit lines. To meet residents' needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Marlborough Community Coalition also erected temporary two Little Free Food Panty locations along the Greealk, one in a local community garden and the other in a pocket park. In addition, the organization hosted activities, including safe biking workshops, a community Halloween celebration. Project organizers say neighbors requested improved greenspace for years -- new amenities along the Greealk represent steps toward a more healthy, active community.

Salt Lake City, UT

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2017

Project Category: Trails

Description: An abandoned rail corridor in the Poplar Grove neighborhood prevented residents from safely walking or bicycling to Salt Lake City's downtown. A natural creek flowed through the site, but it was encased in an underground pipe. After the train tracks were removed in 2008, City leaders hoped to uncover the creek and add a 1.5-mile walk-bike trail. To build support for the project, they installed markers along the proposed trail and creek routes, adding signs with information about the site's history and benefits of restoring the creek. Local officials and residents were encouraged to walk the corridor and get involved in its restoration. The City also hosted an Oktoberfest celebration, which attracted more than 1,000 attendees who shared their priorities for the site. Topping the list: more green space. The completed trail opened in 2022. Following a city-funded study confirming the feasibility of daylighting the creek, the City and Seven Canyons Trust are now working on design options.

Bangor, ME

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Trails

Description: This project set out to improve the safety and functionality of the Kenduskeag Stream Trail. Volunteers worked to widen the trail, install ADA-compliant benches and improve wayfinding signage. Additionally, project organizers conducted a structural assessment of one of the trail's bridges.

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Bartlett, KS

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Park enhancements

Description: As part of the City of Bartlett's efforts to revitalize its downtown, City leaders hoped to bring residents a new outdoor space. In 2008, the local land bank donated a Main Street parcel to the city for a new park. However, a lapse in funding left many areas of the long-planned green space underused. This project added a small shelter house, picnic tables and children's playground equipment to the park. A team of local multigenerational volunteers completed the work.

Grove, OK

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement

Description: Downtown Grove is expanding, with community events and new businesses drawing more pedestrian traffic. But the area's main intersection consisted of two busy highways and hilly terrain could make pedestrians hard to spot. To make the main business district more walkable for people of all ages, this project added solar-powered flashing beacons at the intersection. Pedestrians wishing to cross the street can press a button to turn on the flashing lights. The beacons alert drivers to people in the crosswalk, making collisions less likely.


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