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Fairfield, CT

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024

Project Category: Accessibility of amenities

Description: This project will construct an elevated, accessible boardwalk to give individuals with mobility challenges access to the popular Birds of Prey Compound.

Blytheville, AR

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Accessibility of amenities

Description: This project added new curb ramps suitable for wheelchair users in the downtown area.

Helena, MT

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024

Project Category: Accessibility of amenities

Description: This project will improve accessibility at a local park, adding a wheelchair charging station with an overhead canopy and a bench. The Land Trust will also lay crushed granite to maintain the trail onsite.

Nearby AARP Community Challenge Projects

Coffeyville, KS

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020

Project Category: Innovative home maintenance, repair and support services

Description: By repairing neglected front porches, Coffeyville's Reawakening Neighborhood Initiative set out to demonstrate that small improvements can be a catalyst for community rejuvenation. The organization's Porchology project finished four East Side homes with safety railings, step handrails and new porch swings. They also replaced rotted wood and added decorative plants and birdhouses. Project organizers held a contest to select dwellings for upgrades, with each winner located in Coffeyville's older neighborhood. The Porchology project encourages community members to envision porches as outdoor extensions of homes. Following upgrades to the four selected homes, neighbors have fixed up their own porches, improving curb appeal. In the future, the organization plans to recognize homeowners who have invested in their porches and stage porch parties with music and entertainment.

South Coffeyville, OK

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024

Project Category: Community Gardens

Description: This project will create a community vegetable garden to grow Cherokee heirloom plants. The garden will feature raised beds and seating to accommodate older residents.


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