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Honolulu, HI

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2023

Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement

Description: This project will install flashing pedestrian beacon signs to improve crosswalk safety on busy roadways and bus routes, making them safer for pedestrians of all ages and abilities.

Toledo, IA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2022

Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement

Description: This project installed two crosswalks, one helping connect Toledo and Tama. In addition, flashing yield signs and new connecting sidewalks now link the crosswalks to other walkways.

Baltimore, MD

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement

Description: Many intersections in the Johnson Square neighborhood were unsafe for pedestrians, and especially for children walking to school. The Re-Build Johnson Square Neighborhood Organization created the Bee Safe program, a crosswalk art project. Local teenagers and other residents worked together to create artistic crosswalks, meant to slow down traffic by catching driver's attention. Volunteers worked to paint floral designs onto the pavement. Other improvements -- including flexible delineators and painted bump-outs -- separate pedestrians from street traffic and shorten the distance needed to walk across the street. Additionally, project organizers added a new crosswalk with accessible ramps at the main crossing point to and from the local elementary school.

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Baton Rouge, LA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2023

Project Category: Transportation Systems Change

Description: This project will create a video to depict a typical day on local transit. It will organize community meetings with the aim of bringing residents who use the Baton Rouge area bus system together with its operators to improve service and increase ridership.

Baton Rouge, LA

AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2021

Project Category: Roadway/sidewalks/crosswalk improvement

Description: Bicycle and pedestrian activity increased dramatically in Baton Rouge's arts and entertainment district boomed during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. To improve safety in the area, the Downtown Development District created 20 high-visibility crosswalks at five different intersections. The crosswalks help drivers notice people crossing the street, decreasing the likelihood of a collision. Additionally, the pavement art acts as a placemaking tool and creates a visual identity for district. It also connected the public to local historical structures, tourist attractions, art and cultural assets, governmental institutions and greenspaces.


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