AARP Eye Center
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St. Petersburg, FL
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2019
Project Category: Innovative home maintenance, repair and support services
Description: The Dream Center works with low-income families throughout Pinellas County, focusing on improving safety and livability for older adults in their homes. This project made home repairs and accessibility modifications to 25 houses, including widening doors and installing grab bars, chair lifts, wheelchair ramps, handrails and toilet seat lifts. Project organizers say these repairs shielded families from facing potentially expensive fines for code violations. The Dream Center also provided food assistance and hygiene items to older adults. Today the Center continues to provide home modification assistance through its Adopt A Block program.
Tulsa, OK
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2024
Project Category: Innovative home maintenance, repair and support services
Description: This project will provide home safety upgrades to housebound older adults. Improvements include smoke detector, handrail and grab bar installation, as well as modifications to accommodate wheelchairs.
Spooner, WI
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020
Project Category: Innovative home maintenance, repair and support services
Description: To help homeowners and renters maintain their homes, Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity created a tool lending library. Volunteers constructed shelving to display a variety of hand and power tools, which library patrons can check out and take home. To increase residents' DIY know-how, Habitat also hosted a series of skills labs for residents. In the future, the nonprofit hopes to create a mobile version of the lending library to use throughout the community.
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Fryeburg, ME
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2020
Project Category: Trails
Description: Fryeburg's Age-Friendly Community Taskforce created a recreational trail in the Fryeburg Town Forest. Designed to be easily walkable by older adults and those with mobility challenges, the gently sloping, one-mile loop trail features a pedestrian bridge and benches. Over several October days, volunteers cleared a corridor for the Town Forest Trail, cutting and removing brush and small trees and removing boulders to create an opening for the trailhead. Future improvements include two additional bridges, benches and kiosk signage providing details about the trail.
North Conway, NH
AARP Community Challenge Grant Year: 2019
Project Category: Lifelong housing and accessibility
Description: To help homeowners with extra space in their homes find potential tenants, the Gibson Center created a website. The site features information about homesharing, as well as the option for people looking for rooms to rent to match with those with space to share. Modeled after successful homesharing initiatives in other states, the new homesharing service provides reference screenings and background checks, as well as a guide through New Hampshire's landlord-tenant laws.
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